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If you fail a test, you must wait one day to retake it.The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website uses Google™ Translate to provide automatic translation of its web pages. The motorcycle skills test examines how well you handle and operate your motorcycle. You must answer 20 of the questions correctly to pass. The written exam contains 25 questions about signaling, crossing, changing lanes and other safe driving practices. Tests are scheduled through your local DMV. Applicants who are over 21 are encouraged to take the CHP CMSP course as well, and the motorcycle skills test is waived for those who complete the course. Anyone under the age of 21 must also complete the California Highway Patrol California Motorcyclist Safety Program (CHP CMSP) and submit the certification. To receive a Class M1 or M2 permit or license, you must submit your documentation, pass the vision screening, pass the driver and motorcycle knowledge tests, complete a Form DL44 application, and pay the fees. At age 16, you can apply for an M1 or M2 license if you have held a permit for at least 6 months. You must be at least 15 ½ to apply for a Class M1 or M2 permit. An M1 license includes any type of motorcycle, and an M2 license is specifically for motorbikes, mopeds, or scooters. The state offers a motorcycle instruction permit and two license levels. Licenses are issued through the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). To operate a motorcycle in California, you must have a Class M license.